May 2021 - Jun 2022 2 mins read

When the pandemic started, we had nearly completed the full feature set for Envanterium. This allowed us to channel our development power into other projects. While we were searching for a new project, a manager from one of our largest customers left his company and approached us with an idea for algorithmic trading software in stock markets. He had been day-trading for the last 10 years and wanted to focus on stock trading full-time.

Upon investigating the idea, we found a few recently launched companies, some of which were backed by VCs or Y Combinator. So, we decided to develop high-performing algorithmic trading software based on technical analysis. We developed a small but functional MVP and contacted brokers to enable our customers to trade in the Turkish stock market. We did not anticipate the fear of automation in this sector, as brokers seemed afraid of losing their customer bases if any mishap occurred.

Facing this barrier, we reached out to Binance to work with them and port our MVP to their platform for trading crypto assets. We completed our integration and launched a closed beta with a select number of accounts. With the success of our closed beta, we decided to move forward and build additional features such as backtesting. We launched our product as a SaaS on Product Hunt in March 2022. However, as we couldn’t gain traction for the product, we closed it in June of the same year.

Though the product is no longer active, we have re-ported it to the Turkish Stock Exchange, and it is currently used to manage our own assets with a good net positive percentage per year.

Technologies Used:

React.js, Python, Django, Pandas, PostgreSQL